Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Weekend

Im trying to come up for air. The past few weeks have been incredibly busy with school and hanging out with JW as much as possible. I have 2 papers due really soon that I havent even started on, and my building is supposed to be finished by Tuesday. The building is coming along though, Im just worried about the papers because they are literature review and I havent read crap.


JW had fall break, which was Wed.-Fri. (I don�t have school those days anyway), so he has been staying with me. Its been pretty cool. We went to get my tattoo worked on Monday (its itching like hell right now), went to eat with my mom Wednesday, went shopping Thursday and went to a ballgame Friday night. Today is homework day. I have to work this morning because I have absolutely no time to take off at work and I have to have some comp time to take off for class on Mondays.


Ive been sick this week. I went to the doctor Tuesday. He said its just sinus drainage. Yuck. My throat completely closed up Tuesday and I couldnt even swallow orange juice. The doc gave me some medicine and I have felt a lot better, just still a bit stuffy and gross. I had to take off of work and Im getting docked because I had no time to take off. That sucks. I hate being sick, but it seems like I get sick every month these days. It may be because I am in school and around lots of people. My stomach has been feeling alittle better than usual. I got sick Thursday morning. I threw up a couple of times, but I think it was from the sinus medicine.


Ive had a really good week hanging out with JW, its great to have him around. I want to be with him all the time. I am sure that will wear off at some point, but I am enjoying it right now. He is so sweet! Anyway, I must get to work so I can come home and write some damn papers!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sex & Other Stuff

One time I was talking to my mom about sex (weird, I know). I told her that I thought I�d never enjoy sex with a man because I cant reach the intended goal because of medicine and it just seemed like the guys didnt give a crap anyway. She told me that one day I would meet someone who cared that I couldnt reach that goal and that sex with them would be different. She said they wouldnt be in it for themselves and neither would I. She was right, and Ive met him. The meds still hinder things bigtime (anyone got any advice on that one), but its different, so different I cant explain it.


On that note, my cat has hidden my birth control. Not good. I must get samples today to make it through the month. I just got this pack on Friday. My cat hides everything. Usually, he hides stuff in his litter box, but they werent in there. There is no telling where the heck they are. What a weirdo.


I had a great weekend. JW stayed over Friday night until this morning and we had a good time just hanging out. We went to a ballgame Friday night and froze to death, worked on some homework and stuff Saturday, and ate with my family on Sunday. We also went to church last night. Tonight is tattoo night. I am getting a big ass Koi on my back, it should be cool. Its going to take 3 hours and will hurt like hell. I am excited though. I will post a picture when its done.

Friday, October 13, 2006

This Weekend

Well, I am a sushi addict. We went and ate last night and I got some for lunch today. It was really good as usual. I think I could eat different kinds of sushi just about every day.


I worked on cleaning my room and bathroom yesterday so JW wont be terribly disgusted when he stays this weekend. It looks better, but Im not finished. I hope I can finish it up before I have to go to school today.


We have a meeting about our big ass paper today. I havent written crap for it. I need to get on the ball. I think before our meeting JW is going to help me take some pictures of the building I have to model and help me with the geometry some. That will be nice, I need the help. I have to haul ass and have this building going by Tuesday.


That�s about all thats going on. Tonight we are going to a ballgame, tomorrow is homework day. I have to work some tomorrow so that I have time to take off for class Monday. We are also going to paint some tomorrow. That will be fun. Sunday is church and grandparents day. It should be a good weekend.


I have pictures of me and JW on my myspace page if you wanna take a look, its

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hump Day

I�ve been so dang busy that I havent stopped to write here in a while. I just havent had 2 seconds to breathe. School is killing me. I had a bit of a breakdown there the other day. It was just too overwhelming. I am alittle better, but Im still stressed about all of the work I have to get done.


JW helps me a lot with school work and just being around him helps me to relax and deal with all the stress. Ive never been so happy in a relationship. I think we were totally made for each other. We�ve hung out every day since the first night we went out. I cant stand not to be with him. It really amazes me. He�s so sweet. He�s coming to stay this weekend and we are just going to hang out and try to chill. I need to have my school work done before then. Yuck.


So far I�m juggling everything alright. Its just kind of crazy. I forgot my meds for a couple of days this week and I started to get weird, hence the slight breakdown at school. Im back on track though, so everything is better.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Everything is Great

Well, I must say that its hard to concentrate on anything in the whole world other than JW. I am totally head over heals and its scary as all hell, but its also awesome. After our meeting yesterday, we hung out at his place, just laid around and talked and then we went out to a Mexican restaurant. I got alittle tipsy and talked a whole heck of a lot. I do that on occasion, but I wasn�t being a dumbass or anything, I just get alittle animated after a margarita and a beer these days. We had fun, went back to the apt. and fell asleep. I can fall asleep with him in about 5 minutes, which is weird because I usually have a hard time falling asleep. I�ve heard of people having crazy whirlwind romances, but I never thought it would happen to me. Ive never felt so comfortable and completely myself with anyone else ever. This is scaring the crap out of me, but its the coolest scary feeling Ive ever had. Tonight we are going to go have dinner wit h my mom, step-dad, and step-brother. I thought I would take him up there to do that before I push Sunday lunch on him with my entire family being there. He is nervous. I will be nervous when I meet his parents too though, so I know how he feels. It will be no big deal. My parents will love him because I do. It will be fun. My parents are fairly easy going most of the time and they make conversation easy, so hopefully he will be ok after being there a few minutes. Anyway, all is great.


School? Oh yeah, I go to school. Hahaha Its going I guess, its so on the backburner right now and it really doesn�t need to be. We skipped class Tuesday night and hung out. My meeting went well though, so far I am juggling everything pretty well.


I went to see my NP the other day. No changes, she thinks I am doing well. I think so too. Thank God for medication!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Ok, details, details, I know�.


I�ll call him �JW�. He is the sweetest guy ever. We hung out Sat. night and went out to eat. We had a drink or 2 and went to his apartment with some beer. It was cool, we hung out, he showed me his tattoo portfolio and a bunch of 3D stuff he�s been working on. It was really cool. Yesterday we went to McAlisters after school and ate and then we went to his apartment and did homework, which sucked. But � it was great to have someone that could help me with some stuff. We watched tv and hung out and talked A LOT. It was a very good night. Its so weird, we connect so well. We have so much in common, and he�s just the nicest guy in the world. FINALLY I meet a guy that isnt an ass (sorry guys, Im not saying youre all asses, Im just saying Ive had lots of experiences with asses). Anyway, everything is really good. I like hanging out with him a lot. He�s a really cool person.