First of all, I am feeling a little better than I was feeling the last time I posted, thank the good Lord. I still am not feeling my best, but Im hanging in there.
On to what I want to say. Im Southern Baptist. Ive been reading a lot about other religions lately. I read a book about Catholicism, Mormonism, and now I am reading about Wicca. I think for people to know what they really believe in, they need to know what they dont believe.
Anyway, after reading all that stuff I am glad that I am a Protestant. Im glad that I belong to a group that doesnt think that salvation is based on works and no one expects you to be perfect. Sometimes you run across some people who are overboard, and it seems like Christians get a bad name because some people are nuts. Im also glad I am not a polytheist. I have a hard enough time with 1 God and understanding that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one Godhead. Dont throw in other gods, its too confusing.
However, I guess out of everything Ive read, I understand why people would choose Wicca more than the others. I understand why many women choose it, I guess, because it is true that women have been persecuted by the church forever, I mean, even in the Bible women where nothing. In Wicca there is a Goddess, and there certainly is no Goddess in Christianity. I get the environmental part too�.the nature stuff.
BUT � to me there is nothing that compares to a personal relationship with Jesus. He paid for my sins with His blood, which means, I dont have to do good works to get to heaven, I just have to have faith. I think that good works come with having faith, they go together, but works arent required for salvation. I can talk directly to Jesus, I dont have to have a mediator. I can tell God exactly whats going on with me. Thats pretty cool. He knows I cant be perfect (which Mormons would think would cause me not to be able to become a god). I dont wanna be a god! I cant remember to feed my pets sometimes, who wants the responsibility of being a god of something and I sure don�t want to piss off the real God by even having the thought that I could ever compare to Him!
Theres a lot wrong with Christianity though. I can understand why people, who are searching for something, would be turned off by some Christians that act a fool. Hypocrisy seems to be the big thing that turns people off, or I think that people use that as an excuse. Everyone in the universe is hypocritical. Say one thing, do another; its human nature. Anyway, I think you have to find your niche. I am finally in a church that isnt so overbearing. There doesnt seem to be as many people looking over your shoulder as there was in previous places Ive gone to church. I used to hate going to church, now I like it.
A lot of people don�t like to be preached to in pews. I think there needs to be more interaction in a lot of churches. Mine is cool because we have good music and sometimes we have the local college drama team come and do stuff, we have some videos once in a while. We keep it interesting most of the time. Growing up, you NEVER clapped in my church. It was like a mortal sin (even though we don�t believe in mortal sins; a sin is a sin in our book). So, I had a hard time with the bit of exuberance in my new church, but I like it. Im just not a clapper and that�s ok too.
A lot of people are searching for the supernatural, especially in Wicca, I think. Im about to start reading a book on miracles whenever I finish the Wicca book (which I really am enjoying). Anyway, supernatural things can really happen through prayer. I like some of the Catholic rituals, I think some rituals are cool every once in a while, they just arent a required thing. I�ve always enjoyed communion because it makes me feel close to Jesus. We dont believe that the grape juice and crackers are anything other than that, but its a cool thing to remember the Last Supper. Supernatural things can be found in Christianity, you just have to concentrate on prayer as much as you would casting spells if you were a Wiccan.
I don�t mean to offend anyone who is of a different religion. I find all religions to be interesting. It�s important for us to find our on way. I just am glad that I chose the path that I have because it makes the most sense to me.