Friday, August 05, 2005

In my head, In my head - Zombie, Zombie, Zombieee

How old is that freakin song? I think the Cranberries sang it.

Anyway, I feel weird not writing here, so Im gonna make this short and sweet.

I feel drugged today. My memory is shot. I feel stupid. I managed to half way function in a haze all day. I think its the increase of Zyprexa. Ive calmed down, but almost to a hault.

Found my a puddle in my yard this morning...fried...had to get a new one. that sucks.

I took my meds. My arms feel heavy. Ive slept since I got home from work...going back to bed now...I hope I get used to the increase soon...I hate feeling like Im fading. Im just not fully functional...theres just no in between for me.

There may not be much in the form of substance to my writing here for a while, maybe that just comes with the territory.


Blogger jane said...

I understand what you mean about feeling weighed down. It's like you never get that woken up feeling.
Okay so that Cranberry's song is old? But it's so new that I've never heard of it! So how OLD does that make me? lol

12:28 PM


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