Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kill Me Now

Ok, so school is making me want to hang myself with my laptop cord. I have to do a 50 page paper on 3D modeling & the Architectural Industry for my modeling class. I have to survey architects (anybody know an architect I could survey??), and I have to do a 30 minute presentation on it to the construction school faculty. Kill me now. The cute guy in my class gets to help me though, so theres always that for something positive about the situation. This isnt even for my thesis class, which is the reading & writing class of the world. I hope I can make it through this, good Lord. I definitely couldn�t be full-time. 2 classes are kicking my ass bigtime. I have the rest of the semester to write the paper, so that�s not too bad, I can get it done, its just a pain in the butt.


I saw my NP yesterday. Nothing new to report. I had decreased the dosage of a couple of my meds, and I don�t think she was too happy about that. She asked me why I changed them. To be honest, I dont know really. I think I just felt like I didnt need that much. I have this weird phobia of being over medicated and dumb. I think the less meds the better. Ive been feeling fine other than totally being overwhelmed by school, and I think that�s normal. If I do a nose dive, Ill go back to the normal dosage and stay there permanently. I think I just need to know that I really need that much. If I can function where I am at I will be a happy camper. So far, so good.


I slept good last night. I passed out completely at about 10:30. I think I only woke up once about 3:30 and had to pee and smoke. Thats good for me, one wake up. School really helps with sleep. I think I sleep too much right now though. I don�t know why I am so tired, but I guess its just getting into a new routine.


Thats about all my news which isnt much. I think I have a meeting today with the rest of the grad students in my modeling class and our teacher to go over this paper stuff. I hope it goes well. Im stressing. I dont know any architects, except maybe one, and I don� know if he'd do a survey because he is a bit full of himself. Oh well. Time to hit the phone book I guess.


Blogger dan said...

When I was in grad school, 2 or three classes was considered full-time. :)

9:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank Lloyd architect...check him out...I think he would ignite your creativity!!

11:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet your Uncle J knows an architect he could hook you up with to interview. I am trying to think of somebody but so far, I am drawing a blank. What about the university architect? You could check with him--maybe he would give you some contacts. I will keep pondering...

5:16 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I remeber architecture and stuff like that from college. I have a degree in computer aided drafting & design.

new website:

2:54 AM

Blogger Sarah said...

Oscar Niemeyer ( can't get the spelling right). He'll give you stuff to talk about.

6:12 PM

Blogger Maggs said...

keep going girl...i am so proud of you! oh, an left you a voicemail

8:08 PM


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