Raving Lunatic
I am just down right angry at the world for no apparent reason. I have no reason at all to be mad, no one to blame, just my own personal weirdness. I couldn�t even sleep last night I was so mad. It was like I was just brewing over with anger and my mind wouldn�t stop. I get so aggravated with people. People leave you, hurt you, hate you, fail you, betray you�thankfully I have a God that doesn�t do any of those things. I prayed and prayed last night to have this anger lifted from me. My anger made me doubt God, I was mad at even Him - for nothing I might add, I just don�t know what my deal is. I prayed that He�d help me hand it all over to Him, that he�d forgive me for my doubts, and then I just really couldn�t say anything else to Him. He knows what goes on in my head though, I thought I would just shut up and let Him work on me. I shouldn�t depend on people, I should depend on Him. Man, its hard though because people are visible and God isn�t. I know we aren�t supposed to be comfortable in this world because we aren�t of this world�we are aliens, belonging in heaven, but I am ready to fast forward to heaven. This living stuff is making me crazy. I am feeling alittle better this morning even though I am only operating on about 2 and a half hours of sleep. Maybe the sleep thing will settle once I get in school for a couple of weeks. I don�t feel like I am nervous or anything, but maybe it has something to do with it? I don�t know.
Do any of you get angry for no reason? I mean, this would make sense if someone really pissed me off, but life has been going along like normal. I�m not even irritable, I�m just freaking pissed off. I�m sure there is some deeply rooted psychological reason that can only be explained by Freud, but that�s doing me no good. I am having some paranoia too. Not really bad. I don�t think people are going to try to invade my house or anything, I�m just having weird social phobia or something. People are making me nervous. Its weird. Its not good that people are making me nervous and I have to go to school this afternoon where there are 9 zillion people in a hurry to get to their classes. I�m sure I will make it though. I need like a double shot of Abilify I think.
I'm not sure if I've been as angry as you describe, but irritable, yes.
I wish you well at school today and hope you sleep better tonight and that your mood will shift. Most of all you need rest.
Good that you're talking to God, even if it's in anger. He understands.
11:36 AM
I am always angry at something specific.
But you have to remember, anger at something or someone is harder to let go because you have a target, you have reason and logic to support the emotion.
Breathe deep. It'll pass.
12:48 PM
I think it's part of the territory, you know? Things will settle down with school, you'll begin to feel comfortable, and you won't even think back to this. It'll get better-it always does, doesn't it?
4:27 PM
I have felt exactly like that soooo many times!!! It's usually not even triggered by anything. I just get extremely mad at the whole world, and that is when I tend to get the most paranoid too.
9:38 AM
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