Thursday, July 27, 2006


I listened to a Max Lucado podcast this morning that made me think a lot, and then I listened to Jeremy Camps This Man and it struck me like never before what exactly Jesus did for us.

Can you imagine knowing your whole life the day you would die and how it would all go down. Can you imagine knowing your friends would betray you the whole time you hung out with them. Jesus knew Judas would betray him, he knew Peter would deny him, yet he loved them. Can you imagine the fear Jesus must have felt in the garden before He was arrested, yet He healed the soldier’s ear when Peter chopped it off.

Not only did Jesus go to the cross, knowing everything that would happen, He could have zapped any of his enemies. With a twitch of His nose, he couldve disintegrated the man who whipped Him, He couldve paralyzed the hands that nailed him to the cross. He couldve called angels to battle. He couldve done something! So, why didnt He? I know I would have. He couldve turned the soldiers spit to blood and killed them, He couldve risen up and shown His glory. But, he took it all. All of the pain of the whole world – he took it all on. He knew that His father would turn His face from all of the sin of the world and let Him die a horrible death. Why would a human do that? He was just as human as you or me. Why??

Ive been through some rough stuff, some of which I wont even talk about at all, and other people have been through so much worse. He took on ALL of our suffering, ALL of the pain of the world, ALL of our sins. Can you comprehend that? His father turned His head. Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Have you felt forsaken? I have. He felt what we feel. He took it all on. Why in the world??

He wanted to save us THAT much. He loved us all THAT much. I wouldve been zapping some asses left and right, I know that…but not Jesus. He CHOSE to die for us. He chose not to zap some asses. He chose to be betrayed, forsaken, beaten, nailed, speared, spit on, thirsty…He chose to feel all of the pain in the whole world, He chose to save us from all of our sins. Why? Love. I cant fathom it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Can I be *honest* here?! I have been reading your blog for awhile...and you are scarying me!!!! You really sound like your dopamine is waaaay up there...please be careful XXOO

8:12 AM

Blogger chalexa said...

in jil's defense... people are entitled to their spiritual beliefs and i think this is really therapeutic for her. I know her and she growing a lot spiritually right now, and it's great... finally being able to gain perspective on things and seeing the 'bigger picture'. Jil, you have been an awesome encouragement to me through your spiritual words of kindness and giving much needed reminders of what Jesus' character is. Keep it up!

12:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta know Jil---when she gets fired up about something, she gives her entire self to it and becomes very passionate about it. If she loves something, she wants her friends to love it, too. That is Jil!

12:30 PM


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