Saturday, July 02, 2005

My brain's alittle scattered

I must say that the date went very well. He’s funny, intelligent, cute, painfully shy, and fun. I had a good time. Dinner was good, Batman was good….we talked for a long time after the movie and I didn’t get home until about 2. Now for some reason, although I stay up until 2 most nights, I’ve been dead today. D. works from 10pm until 6am, so he was ready to find something else to do after the movie, but I told him I would fall out. It was fun. I wonder if he checked out my feet.

He brought up the subject of depression. He said he was glad to get out and do something because he’s been down….which led me to reveal the bipolar thing…whew….got that outta the way. I told him that Ive had a hell of a time the past few weeks too. He said something interesting; he said that sometimes he feels like he’s selfish for wanting to be happy. Sometimes I feel that way too….but some weird thing happened and I just started saying things I had no control over…like that I think that we’re most selfish when we’re depressed…that’s one of the things that sucks most about depression…we’re thinking only of ourselves. I hate that. As I was saying that, I was thinking Whoa, where’d this come from??

I thought about that a lot today. I have always felt selfish for being depressed and for wanting to be happy….and hell, that alone can make you depressed if you think about it too much. There are so many aspects to depression…theres the physical part – physically feeling like shit, not being able to eat or keep anything down, not sleeping, no energy….then theres the mental part – not being able to think clearly or function, being scattered, feeling like nothing will ever bring you out of the hole youre in, feeling like you suck worse than anything in the entire world, wanting to die….and as far as being bipolar, that’s just depression, that doesn’t touch the manic side of things. I think there’s a lot you can control and a lot that you cant. I think I feel most selfish when I feel most out of control. Anyway, that hurts my head so Im going to shut up.

D. and I both talked about some stuff that can send us into a whirlwind of hell. Have you ever noticed that a lot of times money is at the top of the depression list. I know it can be for me quite often. I don’t think anyone has enough money….even frickin Bill Gates isn’t satisfied or he wouldn’t totally rape us for his shitty software (that’s another post in itself). Its been hard for me to adjust to living by myself, on just my income, having to pay all of the bills myself with no one else checking the financial situation. To be honest, it sucks beyond recognition…I hate money. But – I shared a story with D. that was a good reminder to myself:

I met a homeless man in Washington, D.C. named Harvey. Harvey was one of the happiest dudes I’ve ever met…and he had nothing….nothing…except for the clothes on his back, food that people gave him or that he found in the dumpster, and a Bible that I stole for him out of my hotel room (yes, I stole a Bible…that’s bad, huh). Anyway, I’ll never forget Harvey as long as I live because he was so happy. I’d sit and smoke with him and we’d talk and he never once complained about having nothing….nowhere other than the alleys to get out of the rain. He only talked about how blessed he was. I wish I had what Harvey had.

Anyway, hows that for a bunch of really unrelated stuff? D. and I are possibly going to a party on the 4th…if the dude’s still having a party. If not, he may come to my grandparent’s with me because my uncle is going to be grilling. He’s a cool dude to hang out with…that’s all Im looking for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOO-YA, BOO-YA...well, you know the rest! TWO in the morning??? That is a bit late, don't you think?? I certainly hope that young man's intentions were and are honorable. :) And I think that in this case it was OK for you to jack a Bible for Harvey....
Thanks for putting this post up. We were all anxiously waiting for news of the date!! I am so glad you had dad used to tell me that life can turn on a dime and even give you back some change. I am glad things are going better for you now. You deserve to be happy--and why not? You are one of the kindest people I know.

On a different note...CS Lewis made an interesting observation on happiness in his book, God in the Dock. He said if you think of this world as a place intended solely for our happiness, then you will find it quite intolerable, so instead think of the world as a place of training and it won't seem so bad. He went on to say, "Imagine a set of people all living in the same building. Half of them thinks the building is a hotel, and the other half thinks the building is a prison. Those who think it is a hotel might regard it as quite intolerable, and those who think it is a prison might decide that it is surprisingly comfortable..." I have always heard that happiness is a choice, but I don't think it is that easy. So I try to catch a glimpse of the big picture and try to figure out if where I am is an uncomfortable hotel or a fairly good prison....NOW, HOW IS THAT FOR A SCATTERED BRAIN???

5:56 AM

Blogger Steve said...

Hey Jill, What a great thing. Sounds like you could not ask for more. I liled the piece about Harvey and money being such an important part of making us happy. I remember when I had nothing, well little anyway and there was never enough to pay all the bills. So, each month I would pay everyone some and then when I was done I would give thanks for what I did have. Somehow I was able to turn things around from being negitive to being positive. Sure as heck things got better in all ways. I think Harvey had something that we should all remember. Thanks Jill for that story. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the second date is as good as the first.

4:21 PM


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