Friday, July 01, 2005


It seems that I have become the make-over project of my office at work. Since news of my date I have been given the “Being Girly for Dummies” crash course. I don’t understand this thing about feet. Apparently it is a documented fact that guys “check out your feet”. I don’t have like bear claws or anything. I kind of like my feet…but giving into peer pressure I have painted my toe nails for like the second time in my life…and I even got a toe ring because I do notice those on girls and I like them, so I thought what the hell.

The girls at work wanted to go shopping with me and do my hair and all that BS ( I think I said something like Hell no)…what is it with girls and “make-overs”. Good Lord, they act like it’s the damn prom or something. I do not understand. I do know that when I was a kid and most girls my age where playing dress up, I was playing He-Man, Star Wars, and dissecting Barbie dolls (I’m not sure where they even came from). Anyway, I am certain that as soon as my friends get to work they will inspect my feet. There is something odd about that.

As I was making decisions about my extremities, D. (that’s what I’ll call him here) called me. I told him that I was doing important girly first date things…he thought that was pretty funny…but I talked to him for a while and we got all our plans in line for tomorrow night. So, there we go…he better look at my feet damnit.

I got some real live normal ear rings too. As many of you know, I did have 00 gauge holes in my ears (I could put my pinky finger through them)….but Ive been letting them close up for a few months and they are normal again. For some reason I feel like a pirate with normal little hoop things in my ears than I did with plugs in them…but whatever….normalization??

I am ready for the weekend….I feel really wiped out….not sure why. I have been feeling alittle better as far as my brain goes, but I think I could sleep for a week. Today we had a big deal retirement reception thing at work. I had done a video that we played and I’d been stressing about it alittle this week because it hadn’t been working right…but somehow by the grace of God, it worked perfectly and I didn’t have a coronary. I’m glad its over…we’ve been working on this retirement thing since April….but it went well and I didn’t freak out (I get nervous in groups of people). Just thinking about it is making me tired so I guess Im gonna head towards my sleeping apparatus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWWWW...I hope somebody is videoing this for posterity!! You have always had a great hair cut--that is not a problem. THANK GOD you have normal lobs again---that made me a bit squeamish when you were doing all that stretching crap!!!There is nothing wrong with a piratical presence as opposed to one straight from the pages of Nat'l Geographic! You have to remember that people my age have trouble with dramatic cosmetic alterations of the, can I expect to read about laser removal of a few of those tatts anytime soon?? ;) Relax and have a wonderful time on your adventure! And also--I remember when you were in elementary school and I let you guys go to the gym to see the HS prom said you couldn't wait to go to the prom b/c you wanted to sit up front with the limo driver and check out the cool equipment the limo had...if this guy shows up in a limo, I am afraid we will never see you again!!!!!!

5:46 AM

Blogger Jil said...

Oh no, the tatts arent going anywhere. I still have one that needs to be finished :) However, for the first time since I had my belly button pierced in high school, I have ZERO piercings in, except for the ears. Do you remember when I had that pad lock in my ear in high school? By the way, my feet pasted inspection this morning...I was relieved :)

8:35 AM

Blogger Jil said...

pasted?? im losing my mind

9:40 AM

Blogger Steve said...

Well, I am just smiling.. It's all great Jill

4:12 PM


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