Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Some Dribble

I havent been in much of a writing mood lately. I forgot my meds Saturday and Sunday like a dumbass and Ive been feeling quite strange ever since. I am sure I will get better now that I am back on the medicine track. Ive had a continuous headache since the weekend. I think it may be from missing meds. I get off of my schedule on the weekends and have a hard time remembering medicine. Hopefully all will be well soon. I don�t know how my mood is at the moment, I�m kind of wired, but tired at the same time. I hope I don�t fall into a mixed state. That�s the worst.


School starts for me Monday. I am kind of excited about it, which is strange. It will be something new, and I need something to do anyway. I have some ideas for my thesis, so I don�t feel like I am starting school with no clue whatsoever about what I am going to do. My newest career idea is to get my Ph.D. and teach. That�s my plan at the moment, but you never know. My plans change like the weather. I�m also keeping myself open to some architectural jobs. I like doing visualization, so that would be cool. I just think I might get tired of it. If I have to do the same stuff over and over again, I get pretty bored. We�ll see what happens. Ive gotta get through the master�s program first. It may drive me crazier than I already am.


I have kind of gotten over the thing with my friend. I have to, I guess. You guys are right, some people are just bastards. I just don�t understand it, ya know, and I hate that. I hate not knowing exactly what I did to piss someone off, especially since I don�t particularly enjoy pissing people off in the first place (or at least most people).


Anyway, not much else is going on. I have to get my car fixed sometime this week before school starts. I have a small hole in my radiator and that sucks bigtime. It�s time for a new vehicle. I think I am going to get a RAV 4. I found one I like, but I am trying to wait until December or January when the 2006 models get cheaper. I hope my car makes it that long, I think its on its last leg.


Blogger Amy Purdy said...

Good luck with school!!

10:46 AM


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