Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dating Part 10 million

Soooo.... I went out with a new guy Friday night. He is a keeper. He showed up at my house with a rose, we went out to eat, and watched Walk the Line. It was cool. I think hes coming to my grandparents house to eat tomorrow afternoon. We'll call him C. He is a Christian guy so we share a lot of beliefs and thats really important to me. Ive run the course with the guys that dont have that in common with me and it just doesnt work. Ive handed the whole guy thing over to God. I dont pick them very well for myself.

Speaking of dating, I have made a decision. I am not having sex with another guy that I dont love. It doesnt work for me or do anything for me. I kept thinking that if I did it, eventually I would feel something...but that never happened. So Im hanging it up until I am swept off my feet. I think that has a lot to do with my sexual side effects. Maybe they arent side effects of drugs...maybe I just dont care enough about the people Ive been with.

Im excited about C. He's 30. He has a construction company and a 6 year old daughter. Im praying about it. I hope it works out.


Blogger Teressa said...

Oh I am happy for you. It is always good for a Christian to align themselves with another Christian. It makes things so much easier. God would want you with another child of His, of course. God blesses us in so many ways. Take care and God bless.

11:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you too! I made that same decision about 6 months ago, and with one exception, I've done the same. It's amazing how much better you like and respect yourself when you take care of your emotional and sexual health . . . oh, and other people like you a whole lot more too, if that was an issue :-) Good luck!

3:31 AM

Blogger jane said...

This is really cool, Jil. Having a significant other that shares your beliefs is really important. I think the decision about sex is a good one. I'm glad your heart is smiling :)

1:27 AM


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