Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Some Pics


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Wild. I'm just passing through, and noticed your posting about your struggle with being gay. I read something years ago, which was I found quite fascinating. Perhaps, you will, too. Have you seen an astrological wheel, which contains 12 houses? It's similar to a pie, cut in 12 sections. Many philosophies and religions speak of 12 as a holy number. One such philosophy says all humans are incarnated in cycles; for example, each incarnation progresses them along the wheel until they've completed a cycle of 12, and then they move up up a full level to begin a new cycle of 12. (I hope this isn't too "out there" for you--there is a point to all of this.) Anyway, supposedly, we all go through 6 lives as a woman, and then 6 as a man (true balance), and then the cycle repeats. Per this philosophy, as we each approach the "switch over" point, we become more attracted to our same gender. Again, it's sort of a balance thing. So if you look at this from a very broad perspective, and if this is correct, then each of us goes through this "gay struggle" every few lifetimes. We all do. In fact, you could say, philosophically speaking, it's a "normal" phase of growth. Hopefully, this explanation is helpful, and not too abstract for you. Best of luck to you and much Light on your Journey.

8:53 PM

Blogger dan said...

These are great photos Jil.

When are they from?

8:25 AM

Blogger Selden Rose said...

I DO LOVE these pictures!

You are quite gorgeus these day, your dyed hair and eye glasses are TERRIFIC.

I love you Jill!

Note: God wants everything that makes us happy. You'd know this!

7:42 PM


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