Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Madness of Belief

The tragedy with growing up
Is not that we lose childishness
In its simplicity,
But that we lose childlikeness
In its sublimity.

Plato said that “Belief is the position of a child; knowledge was that of an adult.”

I’m trying to tie these 2 things together here because they relate to each other in my mind. I have a wild mind, so they may seem as 2 completely random things to you, but they don’t to me and I’ll try to explain.

To believe in God, one may say that you have to be crazy. Its been said that discipleship is a life of supreme madness. You have to let go and be like a child and believe, without the knowledge of actually seeing God. This is hard sometimes. It’s hard for me. I like to know WHY and WHO and WHERE and WHEN…and we don’t get all of the answers we want as adults when it comes to God. God wants us to come to Him like a child. Completely vulnerable, completely believing…and as humans, most of us can’t completely because its so frickin hard without answers to questions. I want to marvel like a child at God’s love and grace. God knows our weaknesses. He knows that sometimes we doubt, and when that happens all we can do is rest in his presence and ask for a touch of madness.


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