Friday, July 07, 2006

No Motivation

Well, my brothers headlights in his truck went out last night, so he didnt make it to my house. It was a bummer and I had nothing else to do. I did draw a tiny bit, but quickly got bored with it and quit. I wish I could sit down for hours like I used to. Drawing always helped my mood, but I just cant do it these days.


I am very busy at work, so I have actually made it all day for quite a while. I left alittle early yesterday because I thought my brother was coming down, but I dont count that as vacation time since I worked on the 4th and was able to take a few minutes of holiday time. I am doing well as far as work is concerned. No raise for me though, apparently we dont have the money to do it right now, but I was told that they would try again in a few months. Bummer. I was really bummed out about it yesterday, but somehow I expected it not to happen, so I wasnt that upset.


I am still very lethargic. I really dont want to do anything but sleep. I havent even played my new guitar since Tuesday. I think I will play it this afternoon. I found a bunch of Blue October tab so I am looking forward to learning some new songs. Maybe that will give me some incentive to actually do something today. I have no other plans, as usual.


Ever feel like your life is going nowhere? Maybe I will have some sort of motivation once school starts. I hope so. My motivation, concentration, and every other �tion is not really in the positive right now. I just dont do anything and it bothers me, obviously. I go to see my NP this month, so maybe she will have some incite as to why I feel like a knot on a log. I am not too sure there is much that can be done about it. Theres always the scare of going into manic mode if something is adjusted too much. I am wishing for a little bit of mania though. I would give up the knot on the log status for a bit of creativity and motivation even if it means being irritable. My vistaril would help me sleep.


Anyway, on with the day.


Blogger Amy Purdy said...

"life going nowhere" yeah I feel that a lot. Right now I seem to be depressed and manic at the same time. Extremely irritable. I hate it so much. I have to wait until the 17th to start meds. I hope they work. I can't go on like this. I'm praying you feel better soon. Your blog has helped me more than you will ever know.

9:54 AM

Blogger Selden Rose said...

As you I wish I be able to sit and study for many many hours, but I can't find myself to do it. The ironic thing is I really want to study like a nerd but I am not strong enough to do it and that depressed me a lot.

1:07 PM


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