Thursday, June 15, 2006

Being Sick


Why, you may ask, does it suck so bad? Well, other than the obvious reasons of not sleeping and feeling like hell, it sucks because other people cant "see" that you are sick.

For instance, I made it through 8 hours at work yesterday which is a major accomplishment lately. When I was leaving, my boss said "Did you put in 8 hours today?" I said yes, and she said (a bit sarcastically) that she was proud of me. I told her that it was hard sometimes for me when I am sick. I dont think she gets it...and she understands more than most.

This disease can make you look lazy and that drives me nuts. I hate being thought of as lazy. I dont know what I can do about it though. Sometimes I just cant function at work. Cant concentrate, want to mood is just not conducive to the workplace. I just cant be there.

Of all people I know, my boss knows most about my disorder because she is also a friend...and for her to not understand makes me feel bad. Oh well, I do my best and thats all I can do. I hope today is better than yesterday.


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