Saturday, December 17, 2005


Heres my question of the day : Are any of you on a antidepressant that DOESNT affect you in the sexual side effects category? My NP said I could switch from Effexor to Wellbutrin if I wanted to try it again and see how it goes....but I am leary, Wellbutrin made me ill as a hornet (is that a southern saying?). Any suggestions? Its really frustrating.

Anyway, Day #17 today with the cig thing. I am doing better. I only want one about 3 times a day now...and one of those times is in the morning when its time to change my patch.

I am feeling alittle better. I have moments when I kind of sink again, but overall I am much better than I was a week ago...or even a few days ago. I cleaned up my house a bit yesterday and even wrapped a couple of Christmas presents and now I have gone in to work to finish up some stuff. Soooo, I guess it was stopping the Abilify that made me go under.

Its a trip that Christmas is so close. Christmas makes me nervous. I like Christmas Day, but the week or so before makes me crazy. Its an anxiety kind of thing. I guess just knowing that I have to see family members that I see once a year kind of gets to me. You know what else weirds me out? Christmas lights. Now, I like Christmas lights and everything. Its cool when people go all out. The problem is, they screw with my eyes...and they make me feel manic. Thats weird huh. It is a very strange feeling. Colored lights bother me waaaay more than white ones. I'm a weirdo, I cant help it.

Guess I should get back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are not weird. everyone in this world is different and each of us have our own personality, uniquity...
i like christmas but at the same time i dont like it. many bad experiences and memories happened during xmas week...

12:13 PM

Blogger Steve said...

Jil, Just checking in. Glad to hear that things have come round once again. I just can not imagine Christmas yet. Seems like between work and life I am just taking one day at a time. Felt good to stop by and say hi.

9:05 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Christmas always makes me crazy too. Especially this year. Trying to scrape up enough money to buy gifts for my parents and my brother & sister.

10:36 PM

Blogger dan said...

I don't remember if you've said so before, but have you mentioned these side-effects to your p-doc? 'Cause it really seems to be important to you (not that it shouldn't be... really!).

I know lots of drugs in these categories can have those effects, but there's got to be something else for you.

2:58 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Check your fingers. Do they look different then they did two weeks ago? Notice any color change like maybe the nicotene stains starting to disappear? Thought that might give you a little encouragement!

Be Blessed!

Big Scott

4:36 PM

Blogger Joel said...

*looking left and then right*

The sex drive is still there, it just needs more foreplay. And subtle foreplay. Direct assaults tend not to work.

6:11 PM

Blogger Joel said...

ONe more thing: if you happen to be bipolar, putting you on lamictal should stabilze the depressive swings and allow the drive to return. Just be careful that you mind the manias then.

You need to go through the antidepressants to get you back up to speed before you can switch to the Lamictal, however, because the latter is a mood stabilizer/anti convulsant.

6:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried switching from Effexor to Wellbutrin because of the sex issues, too. I found that too high of a dosage of Wellbutrin (300 mg for me) made me want to take a few people out of this world. But 150 mg is ok and my sex life is better again. I am also taking a low dosage of Cymbalta, which is just like Effexor, because Effexor is so hard to come off of. Ask your doctor about taking both at lower dosages. I understand how important this issue is!! God bless.

8:57 PM


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