Saturday, December 03, 2005

69 & 1/2 hours and counting

2 & a half more hours and I will have 3 whole days under my belt. Today I didnt have to eat as many suckers, but I have been shaking like crazy all day long. I know yall are probably sick of hearing about my cig battle, but its helping me to write about it.

I felt some depression coming on this morning. Its weird, I feel like I am almost grieving over a friend. Cigarettes have been my security blanket for a long time. If I was uncomfortable in a group, I could always escape to smoke...I'd smoke when I was nervous, when I was mad, when I was excited. I know it sounds really stupid, but theyve been a constant in my life for 14 years.

I was tempted bigtime tonight. Ive been cleaning my house, trying to stay busy and I found an old cigarette under my couch. Seriously, I wanted to scrape the dust off and light it up...but I survived and threw it away.

If I can make it tomorrow, I will have co-workers to keep me straight during the week. I dont know how Dean & D are doing, I havent talked to either of them since yesterday. Today was probably rough on all of us because we didnt have work to keep us busy.

Still truckin.....


Blogger Steve said...

Wow, I have been so depressed and hiding that I have missed this! Keep it up. You can do it. Wow this really brings a smile to my face. You go girl!

10:43 PM

Blogger Joel said...

Keep working at it! Don't give up!

I've been working through crises of my own. While talking to a friend yesterday, all this shit about my mother surfaced. I could have started smoking right then and there....

9:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You CAN quit! Remember, one day at a time. GOOD LUCK!!

Peace - Pass it on!

9:46 AM

Blogger dan said...

And we love reading about your battle with it...

So keep writing it out.

8:18 AM


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