Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Sad Story

Man, I read this story this morning that made me really sad. It was about an 11 year old girl in NY who killed herself. She hung herself in the bathroom of her home with her family downstairs...and the family had no idea why she did it. It was an awful story that brought up alot of memories.

I remember being 11 years old....vividly. I dont remember the first time I ever thought about killing myself, but it was sometime before then. I never had a definite plan until I was 12. I was drinking a lot by that time and thought I could put an end to my misery with a bottle of vodka and some Tylenol. I missed 42 days of school in 7th grade. I cried every day. I spent most of my time outside drinking Jim Beam & Dr. Pepper that my friend, Shelton, got from his brother. I never actually tried to kill myself until I was somewhere around 15....I loaded up on some Demerol that my aunt had & some disgusting alcoholic concoction that one of my friends mixed at a party we had while my aunt & uncle were out of town. I woke up...I threw up...and I was pissed.

When I look back on how young I was when all of that started, it makes me never in a million years want to have kids. Nobody knew how really screwed up I was....except for totally not understanding why I couldnt stop crying and why I couldnt get out of the house in the mornings to go to school. I should have failed 7th grade.

The article about the kid in NY went on to say that in 2002 about 300 kids under the age of 14 killed themselves. I know most people think "what the heck do kids have going on that would cause them to do something as dramatic as taking their own lives." Its weird - I totally understand it because I was there. I remember wishing that I had never been born on a regular basis while my parents where still married, so I was younger than 11. I remember praying to God that he would kill me so that I wouldnt have to do it myself. The only thing that kept me from doing it was my brother. He's 5 years younger than me, so he was 6 when I was 11 & even at that age I felt like I was his protector.

I started burning my hands in the 5th grade, but I didnt start cutting on a regular basis until I was about 15 years old. I guess its normal for kids to go through some depression...being a kid can be tough...other kids can be really mean & it can be hard to find a place where you fit in. I guess the story just reminded me how I felt when I was that girl's age. It's such a tragedy that she'll wont get to experience life. I cant imagine how her family must feel. It's hard for me to think about the future sometimes...but I do think about the things I wouldve missed if I had checked out at such an early age.

It's scary to me when I think of having do you know that you're kid is in such a dark place? How do you know when its an abnormal depression or just the normal ups and downs of adolescense? Well, lets hope that I dont have to worry about that any time soon.....the story just got me thinking about it.


Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

I ran across your blog one day and saved it in my favorites. I too struggle with bi-polar and your site has given me the inspiration taht I needed to start my own as a journal to bette runderstand myself. I was impressed with how familiar you are with your emotions. That is often a struggle for me, to identify which phase of the cycle I am in. I really enjoy your blog because often I feel stupid, although I know that I have a desire to write, there is always that fear that someone is going to read it and think I am completley insane when I share my ramblings. You have an intelligent way of communicating your thoughts, and I really enjoy your ability to understand yourself and this imbalance. Thanks for the inspiration... : )

10:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading this entry has left me wondering...why didn't I know this was happening, and why did you not tell me? Could I have made things better for you if I would have known? Did your friends know how bad things were for you? Was this when you moved away in jr hi? How did it you keep it so well hidden? You were the kid who kept it all together for everybody else...even when you were in elementary school, you always seemed to be amused by something you never shared. How did we all miss it?

10:33 AM

Blogger Jil said...

Gigglez...thanks a lot, it makes me feel good that there are people out there that actually read this stuff. I'm glad you've started a can be tough to come up with stuff to write about, but I'm trying to do it every day and it really does help to release some steam that builds up in the contraption known as my head. I appreciate your comment alot.

Ms. Anonymous :) -
You know, Its such a tough thing for me to look back and try to examine.

Why didnt I tell you? Hmmm...because I didnt know what anyone could do about it & I was scared of the result my telling would have on my home life. I liked school at that point in time, with friends I'd known forever...and I was generally happy at school, mainly because it was my only time out of that evil house in the middle of nowhere.

Did anyone know? - Probably not when I was in your class. Friends knew in high school. I once burned in front of Jamie when I was high. A. Hodum and B. Dear told A. Kim that I was suicidal. M. Williamson called me every night to make sure that I was alive. I was depressed as hell and looking back on it, I definitely had manic periods...which led to being the clown that I can be. I should have been on medicine and I shouldve seen a therapist...but I was scared to death of it.

How did I hide it? I felt like I had to be strong for my brother and my mom going through the divorce. I didnt want to add to the stress. Hiding it tore me up was hard and it finally boiled over in high school.

I dont know how it was missed...I know I hid it well...I worked hard to hide it. I still work hard to hide it from my family most of the time. I cant bring up the subject of having suicidal thoughts because its seen as such a betrayal to my family...

I dont know how anyone couldve gotten the time I was in your class I had learned how to conceal all of that mainly because it was embarrassing and scary to me. It really is weird to think back on it.

11:43 AM

Blogger Jil said...

You know, I think puberty had a lot to do with it depresion was much more severe once I hit the 12 year old mark.

11:45 AM

Blogger Jil said...

I think An Unquiet Mind should be required literature for anyone thats bipolar. I thought it was great. Have you read her book "Touched With Fire"? Its about the connection of creativity & bipolar...its pretty can be alittle technical, but I liked it.
Everything went well today, its good to hear from ya :)

3:42 PM

Blogger Steve said...

I stayed an extra day and got back this afternoon. Thanks for this post Jil. When I read this it makes me realize how truly special you are. I know you do not always see that, but you are here on this earth for a purpose. You have so many gifts to share. I knew this from the beginning when I fist made contact. I am so very fortunate to know you.

8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to have children. I've always felt absolutely certain I didn't want children; I now realize that this was because I remembered how awful I felt when young, and that I din't want any child of mine to feel that too. I have no regrets about that decision now. I'm glad my partner and I didn't have children, primarily because I wouldn't want to put anyone young through living with a mentally ill parent. My mother was mentally ill and an alcoholic, and I spent a lot of time terrified of her. She was so unpredictable.
You sound like you had a pretty dark childhood yourself. Take care,

3:12 PM

Blogger Jil said...

Yep broke,
Also knowing that bipolar is hereditary plays a part in that. I love kids, but I think it would be irrisponsible of me to have them...because they could be bipolar & have to live with someone who is. I can barely take care of my basic needs, I know I couldnt take care of a child very well.

4:39 PM


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