Saturday, July 09, 2005

Music, Books, Tornados, Rollercoasters, Mormons & Hurricanes

If I had to describe how I feel at the moment with one word, the word would be fragmented. I have a little of a lot to say if that makes sense. Weird thoughts are coming to me…relating to each other by the strangest…smallest things. My body feels really slow. I slept all day yesterday after I got home. D. and I didn’t stay up too late Thursday night, but I think just having someone in my space for an extended amount of time kind of did me in. I went to sleep at about 5 yesterday and slept all night. I got up this morning about 9:30. I still feel tired. Tired and wired all at the same time.

I decided this morning that today would be a Led Zeppelin day. Sometimes (lots of times) I designate 1 singer or band for the day to listen to. However, I decided to make a Starbucks/BAM run and I left the cds inside….I remembered them as I was driving out of my driveway, so I came back in to get them. Apparently, I didn’t put my emergency brake on, and as I went inside I heard an interesting crashing noise. I thought Marley was destroying something outside as she usually does…but no, it was my car crashing into my fence. Sometimes Im such a dumbass. Oh well, it didn’t hurt the fence much.

Anyway, I got sidetracked from Led Zeppelin, and put in the new cd by The White Stripes. It was the first time I’ve listened to it, and its awesome….so the day became a White Stripes day and Ive been listening to all of their stuff….I am thinking that they may break into my Top 10 bands (oh lord, here I go with Top 10 lists…I’ll spare you all).

I went to BAM and decided that I would actually buy a book (the BAM people probably thought the world was going to end). I thought that I should have something to read as we get blown away from the hurricane…so I got On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Cloister Walk by Kathleen Norris…now, how about that for variety.

Thinking of the hurricane, made me think of when I was young and living with my aunt and uncle. Anytime there was a tornado, we’d all load up in the car and go look for it (or they made us think we were looking for it). It was fun because it was so scary…kind of like a rollercoaster.

Thinking of rollercoasters made me think of the time I went to Six Flags in Houston with a group of Mormons (some of which I was living with at the time). We got stuck upside down on a rollercoaster. I haven’t been on one since….I’d rather look for tornadoes.

Shiiiiiiiittttttt, lightning just hit something right outside my back door. It scared the crap out of Marley, she wouldn’t come out from underneath my back steps. I finally drug her in here. I guess I should locate candles and all that crap.

Better post while theres power. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you chose CLOISTER WALK. I really liked it sounds like something you would go off and do! If you run out of stuff to read, try THE PLAGUE by Albert Camus; A DAY NO PIGS WOULD DIE by Robert Newton Peck ( I think that's the author); A LESSON BEFORE DYING by Ernest Gaines; A SEPARATE PEACE (it has tons of great quotes to think about), and REMAINS OF THE DAY. But before you go buy them, go to or and read the notes on the ones that are posted there. Sometimes you can read the synopses and decide the book isn't something you really want to fool with now. If you cannot find them on those 2 sites, go to and read the editorial reviews. If you don't want fiction, try some of Madeleine L'Engle's nonfiction titles like WALKING ON WATER:REFLECTIONS ON FAITH AND ART. Also get Anne Morrow Lindbergh's GIFTS FROM THE SEA. I think there are enough titles here to keep you out of trouble for a while!! Stay in out of the bad weather!

6:54 PM

Blogger Steve said...

Hey Jil, How about just a smile. Sounds like your a little on the hyper side. But funny you got into music today. I did the same thing and went through Dead Can Dance to Greatful Dead to Blue Rodeo to Pink Floyd, to Culture Club to Peter Gabriel... and it just kept going. But I sure had a good time. Music so often sooths my soul. Stay well

12:54 AM

Blogger broke said...

Hi Jil, Just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog. It means a lot to me to hear from people who have been there. I've been reading and enjoying your blog - you write well. I used to be very involved in a Baptist church - so it's interesting to read about your faith.

Hope your car is OK!
Take care,

7:53 AM


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