Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Don’t worry, Im not going to make a final exit or anything. I have thoughts of suicide every single day of my life and in almost 27 years I have yet to go through with it. I have no plan, I’m not planning on getting a firearm, or doing anything else stupid (or anything even more stupid than Ive already done, I guess I should say). The firearm comment was a passing thought at the time, so everyone can chill.

I am feeling blah today. Very dull, very tired, very irritable. I think I will go get a nerf ball so I can throw something thats not breakable. The doors in my house are already marked up from past throwing fits.

I feel trapped inside my body. Does that make sense? My mind is fairly active, but it wont come out. I feel like my thoughts are blocked off with some sort of barricade. Its very frustrating. I feel sort of mixed up in a helpless way. I do feel helpless and hopeless, but Im not really depressed. I am just nothing…not happy, not sad, I am fairly emotionless. I am lonely and tired and I feel like I can do nothing but sit on my couch. I dont watch tv because it takes too much energy to turn it on and look through the channels. I cant read because it doesnt appeal to me and I get bored. I usually read several books a month. Drawing isnt fun because it requires energy, motivation, and creativity – all things I do not possess at this time.

Why does it have to be this way? I guess we werent promised a fun life or anything like that, but some spark every once in a while would be nice. I just want to function like a normal person. I want to laugh and feel and do things that I enjoy. I want freedom from this cell that I feel like I am stuck in. Thats what I feel like. I feel like I am stuck in a prison cell and I am one of the most free spirited people I can think of. I cant stand to be stuck and I am stuck.

What can I do about it? Theres no one to pull my ass off the couch and MAKE me do something. That would be nice. I would probably grow quite resentful of the person, but at least I would be made to do something.

I want to write like I used to. Poetry is out of the question. I can read short stories, but thats about it. I can have a pencil and a piece of paper and instead of something jumping out at me, I see a blank sheet of paper and it just stares at me.

I want to be free damn it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie, everything you said makes sense. I'm having a difficult time right now too, so you're not alone. And you're right, life shouldn't be like this, especially when we just want to LIVE. I'm glad you aren't suicidal...very glad. Remember, take it 1 day at a time & when you can't do that, take it 1 hour at a time.

1:41 PM


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