Thursday, July 20, 2006

Crappy Day

Ok, ok, so I�m taking my medicine (all because Maggs cussed me out, I love you Maggs!) My NP said to take my frickin medicine and that lots of bipolar people want off their meds because they miss the fun of the highs. I am really missing it right now because I feel like crap. Once again, I cant concentrate on anything and I�m really tired. My NP said I would be sluggish. No shit. Sluggish doesnt even touch how I feel right now. I cant do ANYTHING. I am restless as all hell. I want to walk around a lot, I cant sit still. Its either run around or sleep. I would prefer sleep, but I need to work because I have been a flake this week and havent done much. I took off Monday and yesterday. For everyones info, I have taken my meds since Monday. I am totally on the depressive side of things right now. I think thats one reason I want to stop my meds. They dont seem to do much for me as far as depression goes. I have taken every anti-depressant k nown to mankind and they might work for a little while, but its like they wear off or something. I dont know what the deal is, but my NP doesnt want to change anything because she likes where I am at at the moment. I wish I liked where I am at. That doesnt seem to be an option though. Damn. Does anyone have any advice as far as what you can do to increase your concentration, motivation, and creativity? Any advice on how to perk yourself up when you are lethargic? I need some sort of help here. Im not going to be compliant with my meds very long if this keeps up, even though I know I should. I wish someone would see my side of this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, Miss Crankypants...Jesus wants YOU for a sunbeam....(are you sufficiently irritated now??) Let me get all this straight:

1) You need to take meds.
2) The NP said you would be sluggish.
3) You are sluggish.
4) You don't think people can see your "side" of this med issue.

Items 1 thru 3 are sort of non-negotiables. 4 is totally off the mark. We DO see you are frustrated about your meds. But this sluggish feeling won't last forever. You just have to bear with it til the good part of the meds kick in again, Miss Weekend Med Free.

When I am experiencing lassitude (isn't that a good word?), the best thing I can do is get on my running shoes and head on out the door. I walk til I get tired. Sometimes I listen to Jimmy Buffett with the earphones and just envision the places he sings about. That always helps. I guess the music takes me back mentally to some of the best times and best places I've been. Usually after 45 minutes of really hoofing it, I find that I can settle down and focus. Walking by myself is good for me...I think, plan, dream, pray, remember, etc. Sometimes I will walk twice a day---in the a.m. before my day really gets started, and then again over in the afternoon. I feel like it's a healthy alternative to just flopping down and wallowing in misery. And it does make me feel better.

Hope this helps...I am proud that you are taking your medicine. Now, if we can just do something about your potty mouth....(I'm just messing with you!!!)

10:04 AM

Blogger dan said...

Good. That Maggs is loud, but boy howdy is she usually right.

Anyhow, after you've marveled at my use of "boy howdy" take a step back and realize that sometimes, lethargic for us is how "normies" go about their daily lives.

Why do you think so much of America wastes time watching American Idol? Because it's the greatest thing ever? or because they don't have the energy to even change the channel, let alone go outside instead of watching TV?

Exercise, eating better, sleeping as best you can. That's all you can do.

It will be enough.

10:41 AM

Blogger chalexa said...

some advice that i heard this morning actually- from a bipolar friend who's mentor said "you must fill your emotional tank"... with things like being in nature or taking a walk, laughing at something, seeing or talking to someone close to you, etc. thought i'd pass it along!

11:25 AM

Blogger Maggs said...

lol at you and dan.

7:06 PM


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