Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I am feeling better. I took a Vistaril the other night and slept really well that night and the day after. I think I needed to catch up. I�ve felt better since. Today I am going to try to clean my house. My grandparents are coming down for lunch tomorrow and I want the place to be clean. My house goes to hell when I am in a major depression. Sooo, just having the thought of cleaning my house means that I am recovering.


I went to a baseball game last night. I�ve been trying my best to get out and do some stuff. I�ve been doing pretty good at work. I have made it through the day a few days in a row, which is amazing for me lately. I am taking off Friday to go to Memphis for the Summer Slam concert. Blue October is playing, along with 10 years (who Ive seen before and theyre really good live), Saliva, Buckcherry, Candlebox, so I am excited. I am getting a ticket for my brother for his birthday. It should be fun, I hope I am feeling good. I think we are going to stay up there on Friday night and come back home Saturday. I am stoked about it. I hope we get to hit Beale Street. That�s always fun.


Anyway, life seems to be perking up. Ive met some cool people online lately. Selden, I�m really glad you are writing. I really doubt my blog has much to do with it, but I am flattered that you said it does. Sometimes I feel like no one reads this mess, so its cool to hear from someone who�s gotten something from it.


Since theres new folks hanging out, if you have any questions for me, go for it. Questions are always good, it gives me something to write about when my creativity has gone down the toilet, like it has lately. Soooo, anything you wanna know?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a while and it has really helped me. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder recently and I am waiting for my appt. with the pscyhiatrist to be put on medication for it. I am so scared about that!! But anyway, I just wanted you to know that your writing is helping me. I'm praying for you. I don't know if it gets any easier with meds but I am hoping so.

I recently joined Bipolar Planet, actually because I saw the link on your blog. My blog is Moonlight Madness.

10:39 AM


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