Wednesday, March 15, 2006

No Keys = Not Good

My day has not started out very well. I cant find my damn car keys. I had to ride my motorcycle to work, which would be cool except that its pretty frickin cold outside this morning. Where the hell could they be? My nightmare is that Pheonix found them on the ground, thought they were a cool toy and now they are under my entertainment center or some other screwball place. Lets hope not. I hope this isnt a sign of the day to come.


I am trying to lose weight. I hate anti-psychotics. Of course, I would be psychotic without them, but hell, I�d be skinny again. I attempted to drink diet Mountain Dew instead of the real thing. Its really the most putrid stuff I can imagine. I hate having to watch what I eat. I want a frickin pizza.


Mood-wise, other than my morning not starting out as I wouldve planned, I seem pretty stable and feel pretty good. Usually losing my keys would totally throw me for a loop, and although I am quite unhappy about it and have no idea where else to look for them, I am not having a mini-stroke or anything.


I guess that fact answers my question of whether or not life in general causes our moods or if its the meds. Today my life situation is about a 4.37 on a 10 scale. I have no keys, I hate going to work, its cold, Ive gained 50 pounds in a year and 3 months, my $ situation could be a lot better�.but I am not in a bad mood. Not good. But not bad. So I guess its not Life sucks = Mood sucks. However, without meds, it could be different. No Meds + Life Sucks = Mood sucks. Hell, does anyone even care? Not sure why I am going on about this. Just something I wonder.


Do meds cause some sort of pseudo-reality for us? Do they control us to the point that we arent really who we are? Im alittle philosophical today.  That�s annoying.


Blogger Maggs said...

I'm so glad you're happy!!

7:13 PM

Blogger jane said...

I don't think I am who I used to be. At least I dont feel like it anymore.

10:55 AM


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