Monday, March 13, 2006

Some Kind of Temporary Sanity

I hope its not too temporary! Since the Abilify increase, life has gotten much better. You know, I never know if it�s the meds or if life in general is just better. Youve got to hate that about meds. Do they work? Has my quality of life just improved because of my circumstances? I�m saying it is a mixture of both. You cant ask for anything else, I suppose. I guess that even if the meds worked and your life circumstances sucked ass, it wouldnt matter a whole hell of a lot.


I am still seeing M and I dont have any complaints other than he can be somewhat of a smartass at times, but hey he�s dating Captain Smartass, so I cant hold that against him. Its very different (and much better) dating a mature guy instead of a smelly, 24/7 playing playstation nympho from hell. I hope the thing with M works out for a while, its cool having someone that likes to travel, has the money to travel, and someone whos into a lot of the same stuff I am. We like the same music. I know thats a dumb thing to be on the list of importance, but its on mine. I dont want to be stuck having to listen to Dolly Parton all the time. Anyway, things with him are good so far.


I have told him that I am bipolar, he doesnt care as long as I am compliant with meds. Thats cool with me. Its nice having someone interested enough to care if you take your meds or not. I havent shared about the cutting, but he has seen the scars. He hasnt said anything about them though. I am sure that he knows. I caught him checking them out. A lot of the scars are in pretty calculated patterns, so it would be hard not to figure it out. Im not sure when I will get to the point of telling him. I just hope I can refrain from doing it so I dont have to explain when I have fresh cuts.


Life is good for the moment. I cant be anything other than happy about that.


Blogger Trista said...

YAY! Happy!

11:23 AM

Blogger Openfields said...

That's great :-)
It's wonderful to have someone that understands you. In due time you can share more.

11:37 AM

Blogger jane said...

How nice that things are going well. M sounds like he will be good for you, especially staying on medicine. Smart of you to enjoy life when things are going good, that's 1 thing good about depression, we know when we aren't and appreciate it. (I think that's a good thing about depression)

6:56 PM

Blogger dan said...

Sure there is.

Family Guy is back with new episodes! ;)

Glad for you Jil.

12:48 AM


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