Friday, January 06, 2006

3 things about me that no one knows

1. If I am waiting on something or if I am bored (especially waiting in the docs office or something) I can see shapes in the designs on carpet, grass, specks on tiles, wood grain, and weird stuff like that (kind of like seeing shapes in clouds). I can come up with weird stories that involve the imaginary characters. Yes, I entertained myself a lot as a child.

2. My cousin and I used to steal baseball cards from a Fred’s store and we used our bikes as the get away vehicles. We stole a shitload of cards from the time we were 7-10 years old.

3. When I was young I was on a state gymnastics team. I hated it with a passion….but I was pretty good on the bars. ( laughing).


Blogger broke said...

No 1: interesting.. think i know what you mean, although it doesn't happen any more for me... when i was a child I used to see pictures in the curtains...
(Hey, a thought, have you read that Henry James story called 'The Figure in the Carpet'?)
No. 2: know that one too - except here in the UK it was football cards ('soccer', I mean)
No. 3: impressed! You're on your own with that one.

11:10 AM


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