Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Aftermath

I’m feeling alittle down. I talked to my NP yesterday about switching from Effexor to Welbutrin. I started the Welbutrin and weaning off the Effexor today. I’ve heard its pretty rough to stop taking….but I am going for it. I didn’t do well with Welbutrin the last time I took it, but it was during a pretty rough time in my strange life….so maybe this time, with the combination of other stuff I am taking, things will be different. I decided not to do the MRIs on my brain, neck, and back. I don’t know why my pupils do strange things, but my moms do too…maybe its hereditary or something. I just don’t think anything major is wrong or I’d have some kind of pain or other side effects.

Christmas is over. I feel relieved, kinda sad, and ready for warm weather. I had a good Christmas though. I made it without smoking, 28 DAYS NO SMOKES today….thats a miracle.

We had dinner at my uncle’s house on Christmas Eve. The food was good and everyone was in a good mood, so it wasn’t weird or anything. My little cousins put on a “show” every Christmas Eve. They did a little skit of the Nativity….they made my uncles dress up like wise men and used a cabbage patch doll as baby Jesus. It was pretty funny….but they sang, played the cello, etc….it went on for a while. By the end I was definitely ready to go home & sleep.

I stayed at my mom’s house. My mom just has 2 mattresses in her guest room right now, so I took one and my brother and the dog took the other. We had “Santa” presents Christmas morning (I got an Ipod and some books and stuff), then we went to my grandparent’s for breakfast and more presents. Its always interesting at my grandparents on Christmas morning. D came with me and I think he was totally overwhelmed by the experience….its crowded, loud, and totally out of control…but its fun! My brother and I went out to my dads for the obligatory Christmas visit. He hooked my up with alittle $ though, so that was cool. My step-mom cooked steaks and stuff, so lunch was good. Marley got her presents when I got home. Apparently she isn’t into stuffed squeaky things much anymore, she liked her bone and treats much better than the squeaky monkey.

Anyway, that’s whats up with me….back to the ol’ work thing. I hope everyone has a great New Year. I will be in Dallas watching my brother in the Cotton Bowl. That should be cool….ROLL TIDE!


Blogger dan said...

So if I watch the Cotton Bowl on TV, will I get to see him play too? (ie, this means I need more info so I can identify him as someone who is related to someone I know online...)

28 days? Good lord woman. That's almost a freaking month. You ever get down on yourself about your willpower, and I'm going to remind you of this!

Glad to know that Xmas went well for you Jil. I hope you don't ruin your IPOD by putting crappy tunes on it. ;)

So, if they were to make a Jil IPOD commercial, what would it look like?

10:09 AM

Blogger Jil said...

Yep Dan, He's #95 on Alabama's team. He is the long snapper, so he's out there on punts and field goals.

Hmmm....let me think about the Jil Ipod Commercial. I have a very strange conglomeration of songs on it right now.

10:28 AM

Blogger Pradeep VM said...

Jil, thanks for the comment on my blog. Yea, there are more real people in blogworld than in real life. Correct me if I am wrong.

10:50 AM

Blogger jane said...

Congratulations on the 28 days! Don't forget, you've made it through the roughest part. NEVER smoke 1 cigarette & you will be fine. :)
I remember going thru 2-3 years of trying different bp meds. My problems have always been meds making me too hyper. When I finally got it right, what a relief! It's like each of us needs our own individual 'cocktail'.
I hope 'Bama kicks ass!

2:32 PM

Blogger digibrill said...

The time for bowl games is here! Have fun at the game.

VERY glad to hear you have been off the cigs that long. You are a wonder.

7:19 PM

Blogger Joel said...

First, as always, good show on the stop smoking campaign. You OWN 28 days.

Second, follow your pdoc's instructions on the Effexor to the letter. I didn't. I got sick. Very very sick. DBSA friends told me that Effexor had some of the worst withdrawal symptoms. I can attest to that.

I'm always here to listen to you if things get rough.

10:35 PM


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