Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I have been
a sailing ship alone on beautiful seas,
an angry wave beating the shore unmercifully,
a frolicking dolphin jumping towards the sun's rays.

I have heard
"you have to change,"
"maybe it's your fault,"
"I don't know you anymore."

I have been
screaming to deaf ears,
drowning in the sight of a crowd that can't swim,
laughing at a joke that's on me.

I have heard
"I wouldn't have a kid like that,"
"I don't like this new, weird, you."
"Why can't you just be NORMAL."

I have been
as far from normal as possible,
a guitar string broken at the beginning of the song,
an angelic voice that burst into song when the world sleeps,
an undiscovered universe that's right under everyone's nose.

I have heard
"you'll never make it,"
"you're not good enough,"
"you wish........"

I wish
to shock a world that knows it all,
to be an uncommon sense,
to giggle at the look on humanity's face
when they finally know what I've understood all along.


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