Tuesday, October 18, 2005

7 Things

I got this off blondzila's blog. I thought it was pretty cool....a way for people to learn weird things about you & stuff. I just thought it was fun.

7 Things to Do Before I Die:
1) Visit Australia
2) Get published
3) Visit every state in the US
4) Get my Master’s Degree
5) Bungee jump in New Zealand (don’t ask why)
6) Skydive
7) learn to tattoo

7 Things I Can Do
1) fix computers
2) draw
3) play the guitar
4) make video games
5) eat matches and blow smoke out of my nose
6) put a cigarette up my nose and blow smoke out of my mouth
7) throw a football, baseball, basketball, etc. very far

7 Things I Can Not Do:
1) wear makeup
2) wear high heals
3) math (not worth a crap anyway)
4) play the piano (I attempt, but it doesn’t work out)
5) wear a dress
6) smoke weed (damn it, drug tests at work)
7) swallow a sword

7 Things that Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:
1) lips
2) eyes
3) sense of humor
4) muscles (but not too much)
5) tall
6) bald heads or long hair
7) hands

7 Things I Say Most Often:
1) that sucks
2) alrighty then
3) cool
4) damn it
5) fucked up
6) whatever
7) sounds good to me

7 Celebrity Crushes:
1) Johnny Depp
2) Mariska Hargitay
3) Matt Damon
4) Neve Campbell
5) Donnie Wahlberg
6) Jennifer Aniston
7) Conor Oberst (bright eyes singer)


Blogger dan said...

This may be asking too much, but how does one figure out that they can do #'s 5 and 6 on your list of things you can do? Do you just wake up one day saying to yourself I should try...?

Great answers.

12:38 PM

Blogger Jil said...

Ha! Complete boredom can lead me to do very strange things!

6:24 AM

Blogger Steve said...

Like putting a cigarette out on your tongue. Oh and not burning yourself. Or turn a cigarette around so it goes into your mouth and blowing the smoke out of your nose and then flipping it back around so it is normal again. Oh the tings I used to do!

Thanks Jil

8:34 PM

Blogger Jil said...

Now those are some talents! Oh lord, Steve, you've given me such ideas ;)

8:16 AM

Blogger jane said...

WHOA! How do you light the matches in your mouth? And about the cig thing, don't you burn your nostrils?
This was definately a great glimpse of who you are. I love that you're march to your own drummer & what a wild drummer it is!
Johnny Depp is HOT!

4:00 PM


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