Thursday, September 15, 2005

Sleep Deprivation

I read an interesting article the other day about sleep deprivation and the link between it and how well anti-depressants work (here).

Well, hell, if sleep deprivation makes anti-depressants work better, I should be fucking big bird or something. (Big Bird is happy, huh). I’ve been averaging 4-5 hours of sleep per night…which honestly, for me, isn’t horrible these days. I really stopped sleeping after being taken off Zyprexa at night and put on Abilify in the morning. Ive heard that Abilify can amp you up a bit. However, I feel really good. I don’t feel manic. I’m not really depressed. I feel pretty “normal”…for the first time in a long time. I guess its been close to a month now. I haven’t felt normal for a month in God knows how long.

I think its interesting in the article that they say that sleep deprivation could be effective when someone first starts taking an anti-depressant to help it kick in. I wish I’d known that, I would’ve stayed awake as much as possible!

Not sleeping can be irritating as hell, especially when you have a routine – a time that you are used to going to bed and waking up. I don’t have much control over either thing. Usually I can sort of decided when Im going to lie down, bur that doesn’t mean that sleep is going to come soon thereafter. I wake up 900 times a night, and I end up just getting up and being like 2 hours early for work.

BUT, I feel good, other than being WHATEVER.


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