Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Meds : The Sequel

I talk about meds a good bit. I guess that’s because I know that my life would be insane without them. I’ve lived without them; it wasn’t a good thing.

A couple of people I know have decided not to take anything other than anti-depressants for their Bipolarness. I don’t know that they are really aware that just taking an anti-depressant can cause mania. I know this as fact because I once decided that was all I needed also. The results were not so good. I just took an anti-depressant in high school and my first couple of years in college.

I think the bipolar bug bit me sometime around puberty…which was just wonderful…a kid dealing with puberty & being nuts is not a good mix. I started taking Zoloft when I was 16. It made me angry and irritable. Not that being angry and irritable isn’t part of being an adolescent; it was just really severe in my case. I didn’t sleep….ever…so I drank more to try to pass out. That wasn’t a good idea because I drank a lot before. I went 4 years on very little sleep….not seeing my doctor like I should.

When I was about 20, I figured something else had to be wrong with me. So I went to a different doctor. He started me on Celexa, Depakote, and Neurontin. That kinda zapped me. I took it for a while until I decided that “I don’t need meds, I’m really fine.” I was walking into walls in the middle of the night…my speech wasn’t right. I just felt like I was better without it. I quit taking it.

All hell broke loose for a while after that. I had this really bad cutting moment (the worst ever) in Texas. I completely messed my legs up with a razorblade. I bled like a stuck pig (is that a southern thing? I doubt you see many stuck pigs elsewhere). I totally freaked out the people I was staying with. They called my family. I woke up with dried blood all over me, staring up at my mom. It was not good. I went off about having a girlfriend and doing drugs, etc. I had a major breakdown. I still didn’t take my meds.

I started taking the meds again…for about a year. Then I quit again. I did ok for a little while. I was in a relationship….and that really helped. It was good to have support….I made it a few years without the meds. Until the insanity reared its ugly head again. This time it was the depression that totally kicked my ass. I slept all the time, which wasn’t too good when you are in a relationship. I was sort of despondent. I didn’t want to do anything. It took all I had to get to work. I thought the medicine thing might be worth another shot.

I saw my relationship deteriorating because of my depression. I couldn’t do anything at home. I was paranoid. It was bad. Soooo, I went to the doc again. This time I found someone who really cared. That was about ummm….probably nearly 2 years ago…maybe a year and a half.

Lamictal was the first mood stabilizer she tried and I’ve been on it ever since. I think it’s a wonder drug. I was kind of out of it for a few weeks when I first started taking it, but I got over it and now I don’t even feel like I take medicine. I don’t feel overly medicated or anything like that.
I’ve tried a lot of different anti-depressants. Depression is my main obstacle most of the time with this disease. I’ve tried Paxil, Welbutrin, Lexapro, and now Effexor. The Effexor seems to work well. I take a crapload of it, but, hey, it works.

It seems like the older I get, the more weird stuff I have going on…like noises, voices, weird visual stuff, etc. I was first on Geodon, which kinda made me feel weird…and I felt like it made the weird stuff worse….then Zyprexa, which seemed to work for a while…and now Abilify. So far, I like Abilify, it doesn’t make me feel drugged…the weird stuff is gone. The only crappy things I do now is bite my tongue in my sleep, and stuff like that….I don’t have much weird things during the day. Some times I get alittle weird at night, but nothing like I used to…no voices, very little noises, and no visual stuff. Sometimes I freak out and think that my saliva is blood and stuff like that, but that’s nothing compared to how its been before.

Soooo…basically, I am a meds advocate. I was nuts without them. Just thought I’d give my “expert” opinion ;)


Blogger jane said...

I'm with you on that one. I too know people who go w/o meds, but I can't; I've tried.
Funny how some meds work for some, while others dont. Neurontin is the only mood stabilizer that works for me & I've tried most of them. I tried Lamictal cuz a coworker tried it & had the same reaction you do. But when I did, it made me want to gnaw on human flesh. Actually, I did bite Tarzan's he doesn't like me taking Lamictal either. lol

Finding the right 'cocktail' is such a cat & mouse game. I was taken off of prozac in sept. & put back on welbutrin.
i get scared to try new meds because of the things it can cause, especially the mood stabilizer.
i like that you talk about meds. you have tried a lot & quite frankly, i value your opinion more than anyone with initials after their name.

2:40 PM

Blogger dan said...

Due to various f-ups with coverages and such, I've been off my meds for 4 weeks and the effects have been... noticeable. And that's just with mood stabilizer.

It's kind of amazing how these little pills can fix/destabilize your life so easily.

3:28 PM

Blogger Jil said...

I forgot to add that just because something works for me, doesnt mean it will work for everyone...and just because something doesnt work for me doesnt mean it cant be your "wonder drug"....everyone is so different. Different strokes for different folks.

Jane, the biting thing is funny...biting is only fun when done properly. Dont injure Tarzan...unless he's into that sort of thing ;)

4:27 PM

Blogger Jean said...

That is funny, your meds sound a lot like mine! I think that lamictal and Effexor rock! Hope you get some rest soon.

7:39 PM


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