Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I got this from Blondzilla's blog, which apparently came from Manica and was possibly on broke's blog. I didnt come up with it....just thought it was cool when I saw it elsewhere. Thought it was a good way to explain some stuff.

What is your diagnosis?Bipolar Disorder

When were you diagnosed? 1st time when I was 17 (9 years ago), once again when I was 20, and the last time about 2 years ago or something like that.

How long do you think you have suffered mental illness? Since I was about 13.

What medications are you taking for your illness? 10mg Abilify (anti-psychotic), 200mg Lamictal (mood stabilizer), 150mg Effexor (anti-depressant)

Tell us about an episode.
I mainly suffer from the depression side of the illness. I get so down its hard to get up in the morning, and even on meds I sometimes have these days. Its hard to do small things like brush your teeth and take a bath. I've gotten to where I cry a good bit when I am down, I didnt cry for many years, so I guess its built up or something. I want to crawl under my covers and die. Ive attempted suicide 3 times. Ive never been hospitalized, but Ive needed to have been.
As far as mania is concerned, I dont sleep. I shake alot, am jittery, eventually really irritable. I clean alot. I organize stuff obsessively (especially my record collection).
I cut and burn myself on occasion. When I am depressed and I hurt myself its usually to make myself feel something because I feel so numb and gray. If I am manic, I do it to bring myself down...its a warming, calming thing.

Do you feel ashamed of your illness? Sometimes. I hate it all the time though.

What advice do you have for other sufferers?
Learn to know yourself and what situations can lead you into an episode, one way or the other....get out of the house if you feel depressed...even if its just out on your porch. That always helps me some. Have some sort of plan for if things get bad....and have good friends who care and help you out when you sink or fly off the handle.

What advice do you have for those who don't suffer from your condition? Dont freak out if someone you know has a mental illness....we're just a bit different. Learn about mental illness before you pass judgement.

Is there anything you want to say to Tom Cruise?(1)You suck (2) keep your opinions to yourself (3) I bet you have a little weiner.


Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

I wasnt planning on posting to anyones blog today, but when I saw your comment about the little Cruise weiner I had to thank you for making me laugh so hard. Youre probably right.

12:17 PM

Blogger Joel said...

Hey, this made my day! I started this meme! I exist! :)

10:01 PM


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