Saturday, January 21, 2006

Wanna know something else funny?

NOBODY gives a fuck about the story below except for you guys....and Ms. Anonymous poster who called in the midst of my calamity today. Thank you guys for giving a shit. I'm sorry I am such a loser sometimes.


Blogger jane said...

You aren't a loser. You're here & you're surviving. Do the fewest things you have to do, but don't do anything to harm yourself please.
You're right though, I do care a LOT about you Jil. I wish I could come thru this screen & hug you. I'm with you in thought.

10:21 PM

Blogger Trista said...

I second Jane's hug.

1:32 AM

Blogger Annake said...

Jil, I had something really nice to say to you, but Jane just beat me to it. Isn't she a sweetheart? Hang in there and know that you're not alone. I'd like to give you a real hug, too, but I'm not close enough to you. I'll just have to send you a virtual one instead. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{JIL}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} :-D

5:29 AM

Blogger mrshellonheels said...

You are so NOT a loser!!!!!! Please know that there are people that care about and love you very much. ((((((((((((JILL)))))))))

11:20 AM

Blogger dan said...

I'm such a loser all the time. So you have plenty to do to fall the rest of the way.

Take care of yourself Jil. 'Cause you did mention something particularly observant.

We do care.

12:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put me in line for a big Jil hug!
You are surviving! My prayers and thought to you Jil, hang in there. So many many people DO care what happens to you.
(((HUGS))) to (((JIL)))


1:17 PM

Blogger Joel said...

Not everyone in the world cares about us, but treasure the ones who do. We're more numerous than you think right now. And it will get better.

2:03 PM

Blogger ombren said...

i'll agree with everyone else--you're not a loser!

net hugs aren't quite the same as the real thing. but i'm sending 'em anyway.


2:29 PM

Blogger TotalChaos said...

Jil, there are few people around us who give a damn. They don't understand and don't want to. That is the beauty of Blogging, there are others in the same type of situations and feel the same way, and can relate. I care about you, and there are more who do also, so keep that chin up and stare those problems down. We are here to listen even though we can't hold you and comfort you. {{{{HUGS}}}}

3:08 PM

Blogger Mama Mouse said...

Jil, I've never been here before and am now because of Jane ... I'm sorry I haven't been. I will be here now.

You are NOT a loser ... there I said it as others have ... and I'll say it again and again!

You are loved and cared about. You are worthwhile. You are unique. Each and every one of us is. If you weren't in this world it would be a sadder place ... a place lacking in just what you have to give it. You might not think it is much ... but everything we say or do has a ripple effect. You are needed by those that love you ... REMEMBER that. And you are needed by those YET to love you.

You are important ... you ARE important ... you are IMPORTANT ... and loved!

Many, many hugs ...

3:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I stopped by after reading Jane’s post. We haven’t met yet…my name James. I guess I just wanted to let you know that someone else understands the hurt, anger and frustration that you feel…and I have done the “waking up pissed off” after the fact also…but I am glad you woke up this time “kinda glad to be alive.”

And I think you are right in feeling like the rest of the world doesn’t understand. I have thought about that a lot and have put myself in “other peoples” shoes and can understand their blissful ignorance. That is why I am glad that we who are dealing with mental sufferings (especially depression and all of its various forms) can be there for each other…because when it comes down to it, unless someone has personally experienced it they just can’t truly understand.

I am fairly new to blogging and have found it to be very helpful in my own dealing with depression. And I commend you for sharing what you did…and I mean that personally because I am going through a very low point right now and reading your post makes it that much less of a lonely place to be.

I wish you well,

4:01 PM

Blogger ninjapoodles said...

Oh, my gosh--so NOT a loser! I'm not right next door, but I am in Arkansas, so you feel like a neighbor to me! I can't add anything that hasn't already been said, but I am very grateful to have found you, and hope you come through to the other side of this soon.

4:57 PM


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