Friday, February 18, 2005

Youth & Springtime

I wonder if it’s warm inside,
The wind is cool out here.
Ive created my own cocoon though,
Im warm inside my mind.

Shut me out,
I’ve trained myself to expect it.
Lock the door,
I won’t knock ; don’t worry.

I’ll stay in my hideout; my world,
I’m out of the way and lonely,
But Ive trained myself to expect it.

I’ve made a place to rest,
In the grass, under the tree…
If I close my eyes alittle,
look up at the branches,
they can be anything I want them to be.

You wont answer,
You’re too far away if I call,
You don’t want to hear my voice,
Ive trained myself to expect it.

I go back to my universe,
I can sleep and listen at the same time,
I wait to be asked in,
But I wont be,
I’ve trained myself to expect it.

If I open the door to my world,
What a place it’d be for you,
But you’d rip my heart out too.
I’ve trained myself to expect it.

My chrysalis is fragile,
I try to lock it from inside,
So I wont let you in.
You’d discard it anyway,
But Ive trained myself to expect it.


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